What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Come in?

The wisdom teeth, sometimes referred to as third molars, are the last to appear. Although there is no set age for when they come in, one can still make a guesstimation. The age for wisdom tooth development is usually between the ages of 17 and 25. Their emergence can cause several issues. Some people may encounter an uncomplicated and unproblematic eruption, whereas others will have a painful experience. This is why it’s important to understand why its removal becomes necessary in certain situations. We will explore the possible issues related to wisdom teeth and their extraction.

Wisdom Teeth Growth Timeline

The process of wisdom teeth coming through is gradual and can be divided into multiple stages:

  • Occurrence: Wisdom teeth might start to erupt in the jawbone as early as 10 years.
  • Emergence: The age for wisdom teeth eruption is ideally between 17 and 25. They start to protrude through the gums and enter the radius of the other teeth.
  • Complete Eruption: They should fully erupt and line up with the other teeth in the mouth. This isn’t always the case, though.
  • Checkups: Regular dental checkups are essential to monitor its development. This prevents potential problems like wisdom teeth pain, even if they emerge without creating any issues right away.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Emergence

Although some people experience a smooth eruption of their wisdom teeth, many have a very painful experience. Here’s a closer look at the symptoms listed above and what they mean:

  • Tenderness or Swelling in the Gums: Wisdom teeth essentially push through the gum tissue, breaking it open. As a result of this naturally occurring process, inflammation happens. This causes the gums around the emerging tooth to become sensitive and swollen. The discomfort might vary from dull, indifferent aching to throbbing wisdom teeth pain.

  • Difficulty Opening Your Mouth: When the wisdom tooth emerges, opening your mouth gets more challenging due to the surrounding inflammatory tissues. This limits the flexibility of your jaw muscles and ligaments restricting a wide range of motion. The sensation can be annoying and make it difficult to carry out everyday tasks like speaking or eating.

  • Pain in the Jaw or Face: The pain associated with wisdom teeth eruption usually goes beyond the gum line. As a result, you may experience a stinging pain in your jaw, face, ear, or even the temple. The pressure exerted on surrounding nerves gets very intense. Usually, the location and intensity of the nerve irritation and the place of the tooth’s emergence determine the wisdom teeth pain – mild, throbbing, severe or shooting.

  • Redness or Inflammation around the Gums: As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth eruption causes intense gum irritation. The affected area becomes red and swollen. While some redness is expected, severe swelling, and unusually bright red or purple gums could be signs of an infection. In such cases, immediate medical treatment is necessary.

  • Unpleasant Taste in the Mouth: Wisdom teeth that have partially erupted can be hard to clean due to their unusual location and sensitivity. They become easy places for food particles and bacteria to get stuck. This promotes the growth of bacteria as well as the development of nasty tastes and odours. As a result, an unpleasant taste in the mouth persists as long as it isn’t treated properly or removed entirely.

Although these symptoms are frequently experienced after the emergence of wisdom teeth, each person will experience them differently, in intensity and duration. If you encounter any of these symptoms, you must see a dentist for a complete diagnosis. They can also help you understand the benefits of wisdom teeth removal. Getting expert advice will also help you answer questions like, “When to go to the dentist for wisdom teeth?” or “What is the recovery time for wisdom teeth removal?

Why Should Wisdom Teeth be Removed?

When wisdom teeth become impacted – that is, when there is not enough room for them to properly erupt – you may experience several different problems. Here’s a closer look at the effects of impacted wisdom teeth to show why extraction can be required:

  • Persistent Pain and Discomfort:  Many individuals are unaware that they have an impacted wisdom tooth until they start to feel pain. However, just like any oral issue, it begins mildly. Once the sensitivity increases and the mild throbbing pain transforms into an intense one, it may be time for wisdom teeth removal. If pain takes place when you’re eating or brushing your teeth, it’s likely that your wisdom teeth have erupted. Pay attention to where it happens. It won’t take long for them to protrude at an angle, affecting the jaws or crowding out nearby teeth.

  • Impacting Other teeth: Your permanent teeth are already positioned, so the eruption of an additional set of molars may cause them to move. This results in discomfort, crowding and issues with the biting. It gets challenging to brush and floss properly, eventually causing cavities or tooth decay. Delaying therapy may also necessitate other surgeries to correct neighbouring impacted teeth.

  • Infection: The unusual location and partial eruption of wisdom teeth can make certain places challenging to clean thoroughly. These teeth are easily surrounded by food particles and bacteria, which might lead to pericoronitis infection. This results in the gum tissue surrounding the impacted tooth, which can cause severe pain, swelling, redness and foul breath.

  • Cyst or Tumour Formation: Impacted wisdom teeth might occasionally be a factor in the growth of cysts or tumours in the jaw. These cysts are sacs filled with fluid that can harm nearby bone and tissue, necessitating impacted tooth surgery.

It is important to remember that not every person with an impacted wisdom tooth may encounter these issues. However, being aware of the possible outcomes is very important. This is why it’s important to speak with your dentist for wisdom tooth removal. Understanding the situation will help you decide whether you should remove your wisdom teeth.

Tooth-n-Gum Dental: The Wisdom Teeth Specialist

At Tooth-n-Gum Dental, we understand your worries about wisdom teeth and any potential problems they may cause. After carefully examining them and discussing your case, our team will recommend the best course of action. If extraction is required, we will provide a wisdom teeth removal cost estimate. Our odontectomy services also include monitoring dental health, post-extraction care and more. We always put your comfort and well-being first. That is why we use advanced methods and equipment to ensure you have a great experience.

For wisdom tooth removal or dental appointments in Huntingdale, Melbourne, you can call us on (03) 8555 2447 or email us at reception@toothngumdental.com.au.